CentrePort induction
When to complete an induction
The port induction process will provide you with the essential information you need to enter the port operational area.
You should complete your induction at least one week before you first intend to go to the port, to allow time for your access card to be processed.
What to expect
To complete the induction you'll need to:
- Read carefully through the induction information.
- Complete a quiz to show you have understood the entry and safety requirements.
- Apply for a CentrePort access card and upload a photo of yourself.
The whole process will take around 20 minutes and it will be easier if you have your photo ready to upload before you begin.
The photo you supply must meet the following criteria to be acceptable:
- the photo must be less than six months old - please do not apply filters to the image.
- facing the camera straight on with your head and shoulders facing forward
- the photo must be in colour and in-focus
- the background should be plain or neutral
- you must have a neutral expression
- you must not be wearing sunglasses or glasses that obscure your eyes
- you must not be wearing a head-covering unless this is required for religious reasons.
- the image must not be a scan or photo of your passport, drivers’ licence, CPL ID Card, or similar photo ID.
The induction must be completed by the person intending to access the port - it must not be completed by another person under any circumstances.
1. Step One - Complete the correct induction
CentrePort general induction
If you need to work in or visit the port operational area, you must first complete the general induction.
Examples of this include truck drivers, divers, painters, and maintenance contractors.
The induction will take you about ten minutes to complete. When you have finished, return to this page and complete the ID card application.
Cruise induction
Anyone working with cruise ships at CentrePort must complete a safety induction before they are allowed on port. This includes cruise ambassadors, volunteers, tour guides, shuttle and coach drivers, and chauffeurs.
To access this induction, in the first instance please contact your managing organisation (e.g Tranzit). If you are unsure please get in touch with our cruise team.
2. Step Two - Complete the quiz and apply for a CentrePort ID Card
Take the quiz and apply for an ID Card
Please note that while doing the quiz, you must answer all questions in the quiz correctly to proceed to the next quiz page.
Following the quiz, there is an CentrePort ID Card application form.
- You will receive an email when your completed application has been processed and your card is ready to be picked up.
- You will also be contacted if there are any problems with your application.
- Applications are normally processed within 5 working days.
- Please bring a form of Photo ID with you when you come to pick up your ID Card from CentrePort.
Picking up your CentrePort ID Card
Once your application has been accepted, you’ll receive an email to let you know when your new ID card will be ready.
Pick up your new ID card from the Inwards Goods Receiving Office, which is located east of Shed 39 at 2 Fryatt Quay, (behind the coffee cart). You can find it on the map in red below.
The Inward Goods Receiving Office is open Monday to Friday from 07:00 to 10:00 and 11:00 to 14:00. The office is closed on public holidays and weekends. You don’t need to make an appointment to pick up your card.
- Only you can pick up your ID card - no one else can do this on your behalf.
- When picking up your card, please bring a form of photo ID with you such as your driver’s licence, passport or previous CentrePort ID card.
You must always carry your CentrePort ID card with you whenever you are on port.
Pick up your new card from the Inwards Goods Office next to Shed 39.

Key contacts
Security team administrator
Ph: 021 229 8149
Health and safety manager
Ph: 027 299 4106
Email the health and safety manager