Health and safety
Safety is at the forefront of everything we do.
We invest in the latest safety systems and processes to help ensure everyone goes home at the end of the day.
Shipping ports can be high-hazard workplaces. Accidents can have serious consequences for our people, the community, and the businesses that rely on us. With up to 1,000 people on port every day, including CentrePort staff, contractors, other workers, and visitors, it’s critical we get everyone’s commitment to health and safety.
Common User Safety Protocols
Our Common User Safety Protocols document (CUSP) details the requirements everyone needs to follow to ensure risks are properly managed on port. It states who is responsible for ensuring health and safety on port, and makes the rules clear to everyone.
In addition to the requirements of the CUSP, each port user is expected to maintain and operate their own health and safety procedures to ensure we always have a good health and safety culture and practice on all parts of the port.
Reporting an incident
If you are injured or involved in a near miss on port, make sure you lodge a bSafe report.
Contact the health and safety team
In the event of emergency on port please contact Port Security on 0800 STOP 88.
Everyone who enters the port must first complete a safety and security induction. If you are just visiting, you don’t need to do this this but must be accompanied by an authorised and inducted person at all times.
If you are going to operational areas of the port, you’ll also be required to wear the correct personal protective equipment (PPE).
Contractors and other parties
Contractor accreditation
If your business needs to work on port, you’ll need to first complete our company accreditation process. This tells us whether your company can meet CentrePort’s health and safety standards.
Apply for company accreditation
Once you are accredited, all your staff who will be working on port will need to complete a port induction and will be issued with a port ID/access card.
Staff must carry their ID card to enter the port. Anyone found to be without it will be removed from the port.
Other third parties
If your company or organisation needs to complete work on port, your port contact will advise you of additional health and safety requirements which may include:
- Completing an Authority to Access form
- The provision of your Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS). This must be submitted to at least 72 hours before you intend to start work on port.
SWMS Permit Request Process map
- Permits for certain types of works including hot works, working from heights (including ladders), working in confined spaces, excavation or ground penetration, and use of drones.
- If you are applying for a Crane Lift or loading permit, you’ll need to submit a request for these at least 96 hours (4 working days) before you intend to start work.
Golden Rules and Lifesavers
Everyone at CentrePort signs up to our three Golden Rules for safety:

Comply with procedures and law
Act safely always, safety is everyone’s job
Intervene when you see something unsafe
All people on port must follow our Lifesavers, which remind us what to watch out for and how we need to behave to remain safe at CentrePort.
Fit – turn up to work fit and unimpaired by drugs or alcohol
Machinery – watch out for all moving machines and equipment
Slips, trips, falls – beware of uneven and slippery surfaces, hold the handrail
Team – work together — mates looking after mates
Training – if you aren’t trained – STOP!
Lines – watch out for flying ropes and wires, and those under tension
PPE – wear the right gear for the job
Reporting – report all incidents immediately
Traffic – no speeding, obey traffic rules, use walkways