What we do
He aha tatou mahi
CentrePort is a modern port and logistics business serving the needs of Aotearoa New Zealand.
We're much more than just a port. Our service connects importers and exporters from regional New Zealand to international markets by road and rail.
We have a wide service area within Aotearoa
Alongside our port in Wellington, we operate a container and bulk cargo aggregation hub in Whanganui, a container hub in Marlborough, and a log hub at Waingawa in the Wairarapa. This enables us to provide a widespread service footprint for our customers.
We are the busiest port in New Zealand by ship movements
Our location in the centre of the country on a natural, sheltered, deep water harbour means we are well situated to offer a broad variety of cargo and logistics services.
We create innovative solutions for our customers
We’re constantly innovating to provide the best service to our customers, and we work closely with them to help solve logistics challenges, improve efficiency and minimise costs.

Our Community
We're aiming to create a new area of the waterfront that Wellingtonians can enjoy, including more urban integration with CentrePort.

Our resilience work at CentrePort and Seaview is ensuring we remain a key part of New Zealand's supply chain.

Environmental sustainability including the efficient use of resources and carbon reduction is at the heart of all we do.
Ko mātou he tautoko ā-ringa i ngā wā uaua, kia whakamana i te taha ohaoha mō tō tātou rohe me tētehi tatou ki Aotearoa mō te ao kaipakihi.
We are a lifeline in tough times, a source of economic resilience for our region, and a facilitator of global trade that opens up New Zealand to the rest of the world.

Above all else, the safety and wellbeing of our employees, partners and people who visit CentrePort is our top priority.
Health and Safety at CentrePort
Find out more about CentrePort's Governance and Leadership
What we do
We handle a wide range of cargo, including containers, logs, bulk fuel, vehicles and other bulk cargo.
Our experienced marine services team, equipped with modern tugs and launch vessels, provide expert handling and pilotage for ships calling into Wellington.
We provide infrastructure to support more than 100 cruise ships to visit Wellington each year, and we lease wharf facilities to the Interislander and StraitNZ Bluebridge ferry services to facilitate over 3,000 journeys across Cook Strait each year, over a million passengers, and $20b in freight.